Bartlett Yancey House

Thomas Day, attributed cabinetmaker
Variant Name(s):

Yancey-Womack House


Ca. 1820; 1856

Yanceyville, Caswell County
Street Address:

US 158, Yanceyville vicinity, NC





Images Published In:

Ruth Little-Stokes, An Inventory of Historic Architecture, Caswell County, North Carolina (1979).
Patricia Phillips Marshall and Jo Ramsay Leimenstoll, Thomas Day: Master Craftsman and Free Man of Color (2010).


In about 1820, legislator and congressman Bartlett Yancey and his wife Ann Graves built a 1 1/2-story Federal style frame house typical of its time and place. In 1856, as indicated by a date brick, their daughter Ann and her husband Thomas Womack enlarged the house by building a two-story, Greek Revival front section while retaining her parents’ house at the rear. This was a common practice at the time. The interior woodwork of the front section has been attributed stylistically to Thomas Day’s shop. The parlor mantel was shown in an old photograph before it was removed (Marshall and Leimenstoll, Thomas Day, 249, n. 38).