Mrs. Claude Jones House

James W. Hopper, architect; John Smith, contractor

Ca. 1935

Eden, Rockingham County
Street Address:

503 Boone Rd.





Images Published In:

Claudia Roberts Brown, A Tale of Three Cities, 1986


The Tudor Revival style house features a tall stair hall window with diamond-paned casements and gable timbers at the front porch. The house was built for Mrs. Jones, a widow, who chose this property in order to be close to D. G. Huggins, her business manager, who lived across the street. Mrs. Jones’s husband had operated a Ford agency on The Boulevard. Due to a Ford Motor Company regulation prohibiting women from owning a Ford agency, Huggins converted the agency to a Chevrolet dealership, now Mize Motors. The contractor was John Smith, with whom Hopper was frequently associated. Smith came to Leaksville about 1916 from Charlotte as superintendent for the J. A. Jones Construction Company, which was building a textile mill for Marshall Field and Company. Smith stayed in Leaksville and opened his own company. Much of Smith’s work was for the textile company, but he also constructed other local commercial and residential structures. See Boone Road Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination.