Johnson Hall (Meredith College Campus)
Hillsborough St. Meredith College Campus
The centerpiece of the six initial buildings at Meredith is the symmetrical, 3-story brick Johnson Hall, which commands the axial entrance drive from the main, Hillsborough Street entrance. The most imposing building on the campus, it was built as the administration building anchoring the south end of the original quadrangle. Along with the other structures of 1923-1926 and later, it repeats the reassuring vocabulary of red brick, white-trimmed classical buildings employed for many campuses in North Carolina and elsewhere. Various alterations were made in 1956, 1958, and 1960. It was called the administration building until 1931 when it was named for a longtime trustee and leader, Livingston Johnson. These six buildings, including the architecturally related residence halls and a dining hall (see below) , constituted the principal architecture of the campus until the first of a new generation of buildings was erected in 1950.