Calvary United Methodist Church

Rose and Rose, architects


Durham, Durham County
Street Address:

304 E. Trinity St.





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An article in the Durham Morning Herald of May 17, 1914, pictured a perspective drawing of the brick, Gothic Revival church with its two crenellated front corner towers flanking a broad gable. It was to be built at the corner of Trinity Avenue and Elizabeth Street in the emerging “North Durham” area. At that time the congregation was identified as Mangum Street Methodist Church for its original location, but that was soon to change. Rose and Rose of Durham were identified as the architects. The article noted that “North Durham” had become one of the city’s “choice residence sections,” and the church was intended to be “as attractive and useful suburban church as can be found in any city.” The Durham Morning Herald of April 6, 1916, noted progress on its construction, with the contractor identified as J. T. [John T.] Salmon of Durham, and the plans and specifications by Rose and Rose. Moreover, “It has been decided that the new church will be known as Calvary Methodist church.” The church followed the so-called Akron plan: the auditorium had a seating capacity of 350, plus eight Sunday school class rooms, but “if converted into one large auditorium about 600 persons may be seated.” The Durham Morning Herald of December 2, 1916, carried an announcement of the opening service in the “handsome new Calvary Methodist church” to be held the following day.