Masonic Temple
Ca. 1894
Wilmington, NC
J. K. Vaughan and James F. Post produced a design for a Masonic temple for Wilmington early in the Masons’ planning. A surviving rendering for a proposed design for Wilmington’s Masonic Temple has “Jas, F. Post Arch’t” written in the lower right hand corner and (apparently) the date Nov. –1894). On the left hand lower corner, in different handwriting is “J. K. Vaughan, Arch’t..”; During the 1890s the Masons took several years to decide upon the site, the funding, and the design for a new temple. According to the Wilmington Messenger of May 22, 1896, and other reports, a corporation had been formed early in 1895 among five Masonic bodies located in Wilmington, to “erect a Temple for the use of the Masonic fraternity here in Wilmington,” and they were considering various plans to achieve their goal. “A number of architects have submitted plans for handsome buildings but we understand nothing definite will be decided upon for several months yet.” The Vaughan-Post drawing was probably among these. Not until 1898, according to the Wilmington Star of November 17, 1899, did the directors arrive at the plan for the temple which was built on Front Street in 1899. The winning proposal was submitted by Minnesota architect Charles McMillen, who specialized in Masonic buildings and who supervised the project. (The Vaughan-Post drawing is at the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society.)